i am sad to say this was my last sewing class until next fall.
i had so much fun and i feel like i accomplished a lot
this semester, so i am pleased. but, i will miss my three hours
of free time sewing, laughing, and hanging out with friends.
for my last project i decided to make a banner for the little misses
preschool teacher. i gave it to her as an end of the year gift.
i got the idea off of here from this blog. i have made buntings/banners before, but i really like how she personalized hers with the teachers name.
i also like these for holidays, birthdays and even to decorate in
the kiddo's bedrooms. here's how i did it...
What you need:
scissors and pinking shears, heat-n-bond, felt,
bias tape or rick rack, scraps of fabric for the flags (9-12 inches in length),
sewing machine, thread and an iron.
cut out flags (mine are double-sided) with pinking shears
and sew front to back, wrong sides together.
then follow these steps...
one: iron heat-n-bond onto felt.
two: print out letters on computer (unless you are good at free-hand....i am not)

three: pin to felt
four: cut out letters

five: iron on to flags
six: pin and sew rick-rack or bias tape to top of flags,
slightly overlapping the corners of the flags to make banner

viola, you have your banner for your special someone or special occasion