friends, i really hate to admit this, but i am greedy when it comes to sharing information about great thrift stores. i know this is so bad, but i only frequent a few thrift stores that i like because honestly, thrift stores gross me out! they're usually dirty, filled with junk and just gross. this year i stumbled on a new thrift store that was none of the above. i did share it with a few friends, but only a few. you know who you are! it's really clean, stocked well and reasonably priced. i should say it was, my secret is out! yesterday it was totally packed, a mess and super over priced. who are these people and why are they at my thrift store? it's mine, it's mine, it's mine! (sorry, i just had to throw my little tantrum.) even though i was super disappointed i did find a few things. i found a yellow plate for my soon-to-be plate wall at my "not so secret" thrift store and this little floral plaque thing, along with three yards of fighting cowboy flannel at another one of my favorite stores. take a look...

i'm going to spray paint the plaque thing ummmm...yellow, of course.

with this cool flannel i will probably make a baby blanket and burp clothes or jams for the little fella.
on the up side, when i was driving home from my kinda disappointing thrift store excursion, i notice that there was going to be a neighborhood garage sale real close to my neighborhood. i thought i would try it and maybe get lucky there. it was pretty chaotic with people and cars, but i managed to score a few goodies. i scored a complete playmobil pirate ship set for $2. (there are more pieces than pictured, but the little fella was playing with them) a cookie tin (.25) and a (yellow) vintage ceramic bowl (.50). not bad for $2.75.

even though i scored these goods, i think i will stick to the few thrift stores that i know. even if they aren't my secret anymore. who knows maybe i'll see ya there!