first thing

i am pretty sure this cute little pink donut has been popping up on many peoples blogs lately. that's because this past weekend we all went to a really fun blog conference where we were inspired, encouraged and blessed beyond belief. i met some new blog friends and some old blog friends and a good time was had by all. there were over 150 women (and one man), lots of sugar, great guest speakers and giant balloons as part of the decor, so you can imagine what a great time we all had.

second thing
ok, so i try to clean out my car at least once a week because for some reason my children think that my car is like an extension of their room or their closets for that matter. this week, (and this is not unusual) there were 6 pairs of shoes in my car. granted, one of the pairs was mine, but that's because we went to disneyland and my tootsies were killing me so bad, i had to take them off before i got home. but, the rest of them were the kiddo's. two for the little fella and three for the little miss. not only that i think i threw away approximately, 10 lollipop sticks. really, did my kids eat 10 lollipops between them and where was i when this was happening? i don't know, but i do know there's a new rule in our house (car), and that's you can't get in my car without wearing shoes and you can get out without wearing shoes. how about you do you have any car rules that will help keep the chaos out of my car?
if you're stopping by for the first time, glad you did and i hope you come again. it was really nice meeting you this past weekend.