it's hard to believe that we have lived in our new home for over 6 months already. time has certainly flown by and suprisingly enough rooms are actually coming together. little by little, i have to say, but it's happening. when we first moved in here my little fella's room was pretty ridiculous looking. it had pink carpet and white base board in the middle of all four walls. you can see what it looked like before we moved in here. one of the first things we did was install new carpet throughout the whole house. we used martha stewarts line from home depot and chose the color molasses. why carpet, you ask? we rent. as much as we would like to put in different flooring like wood or maybe even cork, it's just too costly for a rental. why the color molasses, you ask? we have two little kiddo's and one little dog running around and anything lighter would just end up looking disgusting down the line. trust me, i am not a carpet lover, but it's much better than the white, pink and rust carpet that was here before we moved in. we also painted all the interior walls throughout the whole house in behr's, fresh day, satin finish. it's a really pale blue color and to me gives the whole house an open, airy feeling. again, it's a rental and there are a few things we would do differently if we owned it, but for now it works and we like it. first up on the tour of our home is our little fella's room...
garebear's room
his bed - it's a queen because this little fella has issues with sleeping on his own and it's just easier and more comfy for all of us at this point.
i love it. it's the van's saying "skateboarding is not a crime" in french.
we had an old copy of margaret wise brown's book, goodnight moon that fell apart, so i put some of the pages in these acrylic frames i found at joann's fabric for .99 cents each. the colors from the illustrations unintentionally set the color scheme for his room. above the frames is his moon night light i got at ikea.
his toy chest - it's from ikea like 6+ years ago when they use to make things from real wood and not press board. it's a media stand, but we have always used it as a toy chest for the kiddo's. the cubbies are perfect size for most of their toys. sometime's i wish i bought two of them. that's how much i like it.

the bookshelf - this bookshelf is one of the first pieces of furniture made by the mister. it was in the office of our old apartment. it was inspired by a bookshelf that i saw in the pottery barn catalog and couldn't afford. so, he made it for me and i think he made it much better. it is painted with ralph lauren paint and the color is barn red. i don't think they make it anymore though.
the top two shelves hold a few knick-knack items, g's framed birth annoucement, his owl piggy bank (i really bought this for me), the mister's teddy bear from when he was a kid and our complete set of beatrix potter's original stories.
i have a thing for vintage fisher price toys and though these are only replica's that i bought at target, i still love them and he does too.

reading/music nook - this red chair was bought for the little miss when she was probably 2. she still sits in it every once in awhile, but let's be honest she's getting to big for it. it's from pottery barn like four years ago. the painting is one of the mister's from a show he did when i was pregnant with garebear. the ukulele was brought back from hawaii for my nephew 10+ years ago. the guitar on the right was sitting in the trash area of our old apartment and the other one was a christmas gift from the mister. i have a feeling though that this corner will soon be replaced with a set of small drums because as much as i don't want to admit it, this kid is a drummer.
that concludes the tour of garebear's room. next up on our home tour will most likely be the little misses room. it's almost done. thanks for looking.
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