2 weeks ago we were finally able to celebrate our little fella's 2nd birthday. i say finally because this little fella turned 2 way back in february and we had to reschedule his party 3 times due to illnesses and rain. it seriously has been one heck of a season, but that's a whole other story. so rain or shine we were having our charlie brown birthday party for our little fella. and, of course it rained. like not just a drizzle or a sprinkle, but full on down poor. we were sticking true to our theme because wouldn't that be charlie browns luck, to rain on his birthday? i think so. so, we went with it. thankfully we have this home now and we are able to fit more than a handful of people in here. it was time to celebrate. it didn't go exactly as i planned (something i am learning just to let go of), but it went and we had fun. take a look...

the birthday boy
the party favor table. i wanted to keep it simple with a homemade touch. the little miss and fella colored most of the decorations we used on the tables. we used recycled food jars wrapped with black rick rack as vases.
the food table consisted of a lot of sugary goods. just for fun i took most of the goods that snoopy served in "a charlie brown thanksgiving". i added some peppermint patties to the mix, as well as some hostess chocolate cupcakes because they just had that classic look i was going for. and the mister made a yellow + black paper chain to hang around his handmade birthday sign.
as you may know, when you throw a party for your little one or anyone for that matter, you hardly see them through the day. so after the party we took some of these shots...
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