
they call them "cake balls"

it was america's birthday and what better way to celebrate a birthday than with cake?
well i just found a new little happy and it's called a "cake ball" and boy is it tasty.
from what i hear it's fairly easy to make as well. all you have to do is buy a boxed
cake mix and bake according to the directions, let it cool for 5 minutes and add a
can of frosting to the cake, mixing it up to create a mush, then form the mush into
2 inch balls and freeze. the final step is to dip in melted chocolate and refrigerate
and in less than a bit you have a tasty cake treat. pure genius i'm telling you - genius.
if you want the official "cake balls" recipe you can find it here.
here are a few pics of the little miss enjoying her cake ball...

even though the cake ball was the highlight of my day
we did enjoy the rest of it...

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