what better time for an ice cream party than in the heat of summer.
my original plan was to kick off this summer with a fun little ice cream
social for the kiddo's around the neighborhood, but you might remember
the beginning of my summer didn't go as i planned. i decided to post-pone
it and make it our end of summer bash. this week was actually the perfect
week for it. i think it has been the hottest week of summer so far and a few
of our friends will be starting school next week. where has this summer gone?
it feels like summer is just now beginning as it is coming to the end. i know,
i know - time flies. i'm glad we finally got to do our ice cream party. the kiddos
had a blast and i know my kiddo's loved to have some friends over.
here are some pics from our hot, but fun day...
we heart ice cream - really who doesn't?

some of our tasty toppings

the kiddo's set up a pretend ice cream shop of their own

just something fun to take home - scented ice cream bubbles

my little miss posing for me with the old fashion ice cream hat
the little fella is just like his big sister
here's a few details on how i set-up our party...
i first planned the date, which was originally going to be at the end of june.
i decided to take advantage of all the fourth of july stuff in the $1 bin at my
favorite store (target - for those of you who didn't know), which led to my
color scheme of red, white and blue. i found the dixie land hats (that's what
i call them) and thought it would be cute to use them to decorate or put
party favors in. i ended up using them as a decoration for the post that held
the ice cream banner. (if you want to know how to make your own banner go
hat and take their pic. i might just do a post on those next, we'll see. of course
you can't forget the ice cream. i went with plain old vanilla. i figured that's
the safest bet with the little one's and besides they could doctor it up with
some yummy toppings. i bought chocolate and strawberry sauce, cherries,
sprinkles, m&m's, oreo's(crushed), frosted animal crackers, colored marsh-
mellow's, gummy worms and basically anything with sugar. i put these items
in some cute red, white and blue buckets from the $1 bin and they were a
huge hit. i put out a basket filled with all kinds of pretend ice cream and cake
of our guests to arrive. this too was a big hit. i always like to end my parties
with a little something for our friends to take home, so each guest got to choose
a scented ice cream bubble and a couple of prizes from a prize basket i made up
from left over birthday favors. it was a fun time had by alland i am looking
forward to next summer to do it again.
hope you enjoy the rest of your summer:)
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