yes, we've been keeping a secret and no, it's not that this space has been completely neglected. i think that has been very evident. even though i have lots of blog able events from december i just haven't had the chance to catch up and get around to it. i may still do it though, we'll see. but, back to the secret. it's a good one and might just surprise you as much as it did us. so, here it goes. if you caught me sporting maternity jeans this past week, it's not because i ate too much garbage over the holiday break and can't fit into my real jeans, it's because we're expecting baby #3 and i can't fit into my real jeans. that's right baby #3! who will be making an appearance sometime in august. surprised? we were! but, we are also very excited and my girl is beside herself. of course, she is hoping for a baby sister, but only time will tell. so that's it. that's our secret and i am really only telling you now because i can't suck my tummy in anymore and i'm only 10 weeks. i guess that's the way it works with the third.

here's our little peanut 2 weeks ago and since then he/she has doubled in size, has fingers with finger nails, toes and has tiny peach fuzz over his/her skin.